What does having more balance in life mean to you? It differs for everyone. For some it’s being able to focus more and stay organized on tasks. For others it’s reducing stress and learning how to relax. Yet, for many facing learning and behavior challenges, it can be successfully living with ADD, ADHD or Autism. Wouldn’t it be great to learn how to achieve this in just a few days? You can at the upcoming Brain Gym 101 Seminar in West Palm Beach, Florida. February 1 - 4, 2008....

brain gym, education, seminar, workshop

Article Body:
What does having more balance in life mean to you? It differs for everyone. For some it’s being able to focus more and stay organized on tasks. For others it’s reducing stress and learning how to relax. Yet, for many facing learning and behavior challenges, it can be successfully living with ADD, ADHD or Autism. Wouldn’t it be great to learn how to achieve this in just a few days? You can at the upcoming Brain Gym 101 Seminar in West Palm Beach, Florida. February 1 - 4, 2008. Are you living the life of your dreams? Are you doing the work you love? Are you and your children excited about learning and achieving to your potential? All of this and more are available to you when you have the Brain Gym Program working for you in your daily life.

If you’d like to discover an easy way to enhance your memory, organization, concentration and creativity, this workshop is for you. The Brain Gym 101 Seminar is an extensive 32-hour event presented by Dr. Paul Dennison, founder of the Brain Gym Program. The workshop is open to new students, Brain Gym 101 graduates, and those licensed Brain Gym instructors looking to further develop their Brain Gym skills. The course is centered on the simple, fast and fun 26-targeted movements that make up the Brain Gym Program. These movements consciously activate the mind/body system to release learning blocks and prepare your brain and entire nervous system for optimal learning. Participants are taken step by step through each movement with the detailed Brain Gym 101 Handbook as a guide.

The course promotes efficient communication between the brain and the rest of the body, increasing play and creativity and alleviating stress as it enhances performance, all ingredients for better balance in your life. The success of Brain Gym can be attributed to its effective movements, and balances, as well as to its addressing the physical skills of learning.

Since the 1980s the field of Educational Kinesiology, the study of movement and its relationship to learning, has touched people of all ages and cultures. Brain Gym has been introduced in homes, classrooms, businesses, and places of learning in more than 80 countries on all seven continents with rapid and often dramatic improvement in reading, writing, language and numerical skills. Many others use the work to profoundly enhance the quality of their attention and concentration, memory and organizational skills, athletic performance, and more. The popularity of brain exercises today supports the positive and dynamic effects of stimulating brain movements.

The workshop also explores the five learning principles central to Brain Gym Work. They include:

1) Draw Out: Intelligence is Inborn
2) Focus: Attention Follows Intention
3) Notice: We Learn What We Actively Experience
4) Move to Learn: Growth Is a Search for Balance, Imbalance a Search for Growth
5) Interconnect: Each of Us Is Affected by Each Other

Come and engage with others who believe movement is the key to whole brain learning and overall better health and well being. For more information please contact Dr. Patty Shackleford at 352.475.3311 or (Register Now).

Core training for golfers is a must for developing maximum power and distance. As in all athletics, the core is your engine. Everything comes from the core! The modern golf swing is definitely a “core-focused” movement; unlike the older swing technique of lower body action dominant.

golf,golf swing,golf trainer,golf workouts,golf exercises,golf fitness,golf lessons,golf instruction,golf tips

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Core training for golfers is a must for developing maximum power and distance. As in all athletics, the core is your engine. Everything comes from the core! The modern golf swing is definitely a “core-focused” movement; unlike the older swing technique of lower body action dominant.

You probably have heard the term core training for golfers, but do you know what it means and how to implement it into your golf performance routine?

Your core is the middle section of your body…specifically your abdominal region. If your core is weak or restricted in rotational flexibility, you will have a minimal chance at hitting long drives.

I see this all the time in the senior golfer. No core strength or flexibility, resulting in a HUGE decrease in yardage off the tee. The senior golfer will say things like, “I’ve lost so much yardage off the tee the past few years”; “I use to hit my drives 50 yards further”; “If I could only get 20 more yards I’d be happy”.

This can be a very frustrating situation; but one that can be remedied easily, quickly and in the convenience of your home with minimal equipment. Improving your core rotational strength and flexibility does not require equipment in a gym or club.

You can do exercises as simple as grabbing a single handweight, getting in your golf posture, and rotating back and through holding the handweight in front of your stomach. You can also do stretches right in your office chair. Sitting upright and reaching around your chair, turning as far as you can to the right, then turning to the left.

These are just some very basic core training for golfers exercises, but they would give you a “kickstart” into doing a complete program for your core.

You will be amazed at how much power you acquire in your swing when you implement a core training for golfers program. Even if that’s all you did for the time-being, you’d be way ahead of the game.

But my guess is once you start slow and easy, you’ll get the “runners high” and want to do more. This does not have to be a gut-busting routine! You can spend as little as 10 minutes a couple of times a week and see results.

Don’t put it off any longer!

Start your core training for golfers today!

Nutritional supplements are in huge demand and one of the most established companies in this competitive market is Vitamin World. Vitamin World is a well established manufacturer and retailer of nutritional supplements. There are over 550 Vitamin World stores in the United States. However, it is the online side of their business that is even more impressive. The Vitamin World website has an extremely efficient automated order fulfilment system that is extremely sophisticated. This allows Vitamin world to process orders and dispatch them to thousands of households across the country.

The manufacturing side of Vitamin World was established in the 1960s in Long Island, New York. Nowadays, vitamin world produces more than a thousand nutritional supplement products. The product range that Vitamin has is extremely extensive and includes vitamins, minerals and herbs in every available type including tablets, two piece capsules, soft gel capsules, powders and liquids. All of the Vitamin World products are manufactured in their own state-of-the art facilities in Long Island.

Vitamin World has grown into a well respected nutritional supplement provider and this is due, in part, to the millions of dollars that it has invested in the manufacturing and quality control aspects of the business. The demand for quality nutritional supplements is constantly increasing and Vitamin World keeps ahead of the trends with its own scientists and researchers striving to develop new products to satisfy the needs of the public.

All of the Vitamin World products are developed in association with many state and federal agencies, including the FDA and the U.S. Pharmacopoeia (USP), to ensure that their test procedures guarantee their strength and beneficial qualities. This gives all Vitamin World customers the reassurance that their nutritional supplements are produced to the highest possible standards and with the greatest amount of purity available. The processes used by Vitamin World have become the benchmark for many other nutritional supplement manufacturers and retailers to aspire to.

Customers now have the choice of buying the Vitamin World products through a traditional store or in the comfort of their own home through the website. The efficiency of their website strives to deliver quality vitamin supplement products in the shortest time possible and guarantees full customer satisfaction. Vitamin World continues to develop new and more effective nutritional supplements and manufacture them in convenient forms to enable people of all ages to be able to have the nutritional health that their diet and lifestyle may not provide.

With commodities escalating to greater heights, more and more people are continuously are getting poorer each day. Here, there, and everywhere, people can be found seeking ways to sustain their daily lives.

Hence, getting into fraudulent activity is another way of combating the hard times. No wonder why people are experiencing scam-related activities these days, especially those who are into gambling activities. This is because in gambling, more people are easily enticed to engage into activities that will give them an easy way to win.

The Common Offline Gambling Scam

Contrary to most popular belief, gambling scams do not just happen in the Internet. In fact, surveys show that there are more people who get victimized by scammers off line than online.

One of the common gambling scams is the identity theft. This is so prevalent because most of the people who play in the casinos use their credit cards to buy the chips.

For people who are not aware of the scheme, they will fall easily as prey. In fact, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has estimated 350,000 to 500,000 of identity theft cases in the United States each year. This goes to show that more people are not as aware of how their identity gets to be stolen.

How to avoid them

There is no better way to avoid any kind of scam but to educate one’s self. Proper information about these activities will definitely help people identify any probable signs of scam at once. It is alarming to note that there are so many cases of scams these days just because people are not aware of them.

In the Financial Crimes Division of the Secret Service, authorities receive approximately 11 complaints a day from victims and 300 to 500 calls from people who have related problems. Most of the reasons why they were victimized were based on the fact that they did not know it was a scam and that the idea presented to them seemed okay.

Indeed, if people are just aware of the things that are happening around them, things would be better. So, in order to give those scammers the things that they truly deserve, it’s best to educate people about the activities so that they can easily report the fraudulent person at once.

As they say, ignorance is not an excuse. It really pays to know everything.

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